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Hu's ART | 2023 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taipei


Bar Mood Taipei , Taipei

Exhibition date

2023.01.07 Sat. - 2023.02.28 Sat.

Event page

<Biomimicry 02>

Every culture has a history of worshiping nature as the prototype of religion. Today, consumerism has somehow become the new religion. Under such ideology, many social and environmental issues appear with the ‘advancement’ of society. Perhaps, it is time for human to turn around and learn from nature again. Biomimicry is made by post-consumer waste into organic shapes. It shows the artist’s belief in animism and Taoism. Everything is interdependent and interchangeable, if human could learn from nature, we might be able to find ways to reach sustainability.

Immortagram series

Inspired by the current social media craze, Julia turns post consumer waste into a visual feast integrating human organs to examine human’s fascination towards branding and following superficial images, how human beings consume and are consumed, and further question the era of artificial reality.

<#No Kidney ! >

As its title ‘#No Kidney! ‘ suggests, it is a hybrid of kidney and fungus, to depict the phenomena that social media users‘ and consumers’ desire to present a certain image that might be artificial.
This piece, for example, portraits a sense of artificial prudence.

<#Pelvic Match>

As its title ‘#Pelvic Match‘ suggests, it is a hybrid of a green apple and both the female and male pelvis, that depicts the phenomena of social media users and consumers’ desire to present a certain image that might be artificial. This piece portrays an artificially perfect, matching love.


​感 謝 您 的 訂 閱 !

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